Located just North of Austin on IH 35, Austin’s Park & Pizza has been a…

A Look at Lobby Signs
When one thinks of “lobby signs” the first thought to come to mind may be the bold metal or stone letters mounted on the lustrous marble and wood veneers of high profile offices atop New York skyscrapers. While this is still certainly the case, today’s small businesses everywhere are also now reaping the benefits of attractive lobby signs.
One of the first tasks of any business is their branding. This is paramount in deciding where the direction of the business will go. Once the brand and logo are created of course an office space is needed. Every office space has a lobby, thus the need for the attractive display of the business logo.
With today’s materials and creative minds any tone and theme can be met for a lobby sign, whether its glass and chrome for an industrial modern look, deep earth tones with wood and gold for a more traditional look, and even bright colors and playful typestyles for a friendly feel. Lobby signs can portray the theme and attitude of the business which puts their customers in the right mind-set to work with confidence in a company that has its brand and image proudly in control.